Council to consider amended plans for Emu Park development


Livingstone Shire Council has received amended plans for the Emu Park unit development on the corner of Pattison and Granville streets.

The amended plans will be considered as part of a confidential report at the Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday, 20 December.

Mayor Andy Ireland said after the application was refused by Council on 17 May 2022, the developer appealed the decision through the Planning and Environment Court.

“The appeal is currently in an alternative dispute resolution process, otherwise known as mediation,” Mayor Ireland said.

“As part of the mediation process, the developer has provided amended plans that reduce the height from six to five storeys on the western and southern ends of the building, with six storeys remaining for the balance.

“There are also changes to the roof form, building design and building materials.

“Council can either support the amended plans and the appeal will be managed through the mediation process, or alternatively, Council can choose to not support the amended plans and proceed to a court hearing.”

All submitters who lodged a properly made submission during the public notification period were invited to join the appeal process, however, no-one joined.