Bring your next arts project to life as latest round of RADF funding opens


Local artists in Livingstone Shire have a chance to bring their visions to life and share them with the wider community through the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF). 

This amazing opportunity is being offered to residents once again, with Round 2 of the RADF 2022/23 now open.

This initiative, delivered in partnership with Arts Queensland and Livingstone Shire Council, aims to promote the value of arts, culture, and heritage within local communities. 

It offers a platform for diverse and inclusive experiences in the visual, auditory, or performative arts.

Councillor Rhodes Watson, Portfolio Holder of Vibrant Community (Tourism, Events, and Culture) said the arts are a key component of building a strong community fabric that connects people in many ways.

“RADF has helped to support so many exciting and creative projects over the years, with the most recent round of grants including projects like Yeppoon musician Will Hearn's 4-track EP recording and release, Yeppoon Little Theatre's full-length youth theatre play 'Children of the Black Skirt, as well as the art programme for the 2023 High Valley Dawn Festival,” Cr Watson said. 

“Other approved grants included Capricorn Coast Writers Festival's series of workshops, artist presentations, and panel discussions from three prominent authors, Capricorn Film Festival's pop-up illumination display, Sienna Westcott's individual professional development (IPD) towards costs of classical ballet training with Classical Coaching Australia, and Janelle Westcott's IPD towards professional development through BBODANCE in Melbourne.

“The Livingstone Shire region is rich in arts and culture with so many talented individuals sharing their passion and inspiring others, and I encourage all artists to apply and make their projects a reality with RADF.”

Round Two of RADF 2023 Funding is open from Monday, 20 March 2023, to midnight on Sunday, 23 April 2023, for projects commencing after 9 June 2023. 

Interested individuals can visit for more information and eligibility criteria.