Livingstone Shire Council shows commitment to supporting small business


Livingstone Shire Council has demonstrated its commitment to supporting local small businesses after resolving at today’s Council meeting to sign the Small Business Friendly Council Charter.

Mayor Andy Ireland, Portfolio holder of Economic Development and Regional Advocacy and Intergovernmental Relations said the Small Business Friendly program provides a framework, support, and tools required to help local governments realise their role in supporting small businesses.

“By joining the program, Council aims to enhance the operating environment for small businesses and provide the opportunities they need to thrive,” Mayor Ireland said.

Mayor Ireland emphasized that by signing the charter, Council commits to considering small businesses when making key decisions that impact them.

“Council's decision to join the Small Business Friendly program is a significant step towards supporting local small businesses and building resilience following disaster events and economic shocks.”

Signing the charter supports the Livingstone Community Plan:Towards 2050 goal to build and maintain strong, collaborative, and co-operative relationships with small businesses.

Council will be the 24th local government to join the Small Business Friendly program in Queensland and looks forward to working with the QSBC to support the growth and success of the small business community.

For more information on the program, please visit the QSBC website at