Livingstone Shire Council unites in celebration of World Environment Day


Livingstone Shire Council is proud to join the global celebration of the United Nation’s World Environment Day (WED) on Monday, 5 June, focussing on this year's theme of #BeatPlasticPollution.

WED 2023 serves as a powerful reminder that every individual's actions regarding plastic pollution play a crucial role in safeguarding our planet. The steps taken by local government authorities, such as Livingstone Shire Council, to combat plastic pollution are a direct result of collective action.

Councillor Andrea Friend, Portfolio Holder of Water, Waste Management, and the Environment, emphasized the Council's commitment to environmental sustainability and acknowledged the significant contributions of our Traditional Owners, the Darumbal and Woppaburra people, and our dedicated environmental groups.

"To celebrate 50 years of World Environment Day, Council's Natural Resource Management (NRM) team will be actively engaged in several events,” said Cr Friend.

"On Friday, 2 June, our NRM team will be attending the Darumbal TUMRA Community Day at Emu Park Main Beach from 9 am to 2 pm, promoting environmental awareness and conservation efforts.

“On World Environment Day, Monday 5 June, residents can collect a free local native plant grown by Council’s Community Nursery volunteers from the Capricorn Coast Landcare Office at the Community Centre, John St Yeppoon between 9am and 3pm.”

The Council is also thrilled to partner with a home school group on Wednesday, 7 June, for a tree planting and environmental education session at Kemp Beach. This event will provide an excellent opportunity for young minds to understand the importance of biodiversity and the impact of their actions on our environment.

Councillor Friend added, "World Environment Day provides us with a valuable platform to raise awareness about the critical issue of plastic pollution. By engaging in these events, we hope to inspire our community to take action and make sustainable choices that will protect our environment for future generations.

"I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of Plastic Free CQ and our dedicated environmental groups. Their efforts in combating plastic pollution, promoting sustainable practices, and raising awareness are instrumental in creating a greener future for our region."

Livingstone Shire Council is committed to becoming a zero-waste community and encourages all residents to join them on this journey. Simple steps such as reducing single-use plastics, practicing responsible waste disposal, and supporting local businesses that prioritise sustainability can make a significant difference.

In honour of World Environment Day, Council will illuminate the Yeppoon foreshore amphitheatre in green on the night of Monday, 5 June, symbolising our commitment to protecting the environment and promoting a sustainable future.

For more information on Livingstone Shire Council's environmental initiatives, please visit

For more information on Plastic Free CQ please visit

World Environment Day related events:

  1. Darumbal TUMRA Community Day on Friday, 2 June from 9 am to 2 pm:
    This event will promote environmental conservation and indigenous culture, highlighting the significance of sustainable practices in preserving our natural resources.
  1. Fig Tree Creek Markets stall with Keppel Arts Waste and Recycling Education and Landcare on Sunday, 4 June from 8 am to 12 pm:
    Visit the Keppel Arts Waste and Recycling Education and Landcare stall at Fig Tree Creek Markets to learn more about waste management, recycling, Landcare initiatives, and discover how you can actively contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment.
  1. Free plant giveaway at Capricorn Coast Landcare office at the Community Centre, John Street Yeppoon, from 9 am to 3 pm.