Council Adopts New Open Spaces Framework to Preserve Natural Values


Livingstone Shire Council today has adopted the new Livingstone Open Space Framework in an Ordinary Council Meeting.

The Framework constitutes a powerful tool for ensuring that the region’s considerable open space services and assets are planned and managed in a way that optimises liveability and quality of life in the region and protects and enhances the region’s outstanding natural values.  The Framework addresses all the themes and delivers most of the goals articulated in the Livingstone Community Plan: Towards 2050.

The intent of the Open Space Framework is to identify the purposes and components of the ‘green infrastructure’ – the trees and trails, the parks and playgrounds and the natural environment – and to unite all elements and delivery functions under one efficient umbrella.

Councillor Pat Eastwood, Portfolio Holder of Healthy and Inclusive Community, welcomed the adoption of the Framework and

“Livingstone is one of the most biodiverse regions within Queensland, with 300 kilometres of open coastline and beaches adjacent to the world-famous Great Barrier Reef,” Councillor Eastwood said.

“Open spaces play a pivotal role in fostering social cohesion, promoting physical and mental well-being, and offering recreational opportunities for residents and visitors alike. Through this framework, the council aims to optimize these benefits while maintaining a delicate balance between development and preservation.

“Council’s adoption of the Framework connects the purpose of all open space related functions within a single strategic document, promoting principles and outcomes-based approach to open space planning and delivery.

“By consolidating all elements and delivery functions under one efficient umbrella, the Livingstone Shire Council ensures that the management and planning of open spaces are streamlined and coordinated effectively. This approach maximizes the benefits derived from these vital resources while safeguarding the region's outstanding natural values for current and future generations.

“Key focus areas for the Framework include sport and recreation, landscaping, significant amenity trees, parks and civic spaces, local cycle networks, footpaths and trails, open space infrastructure, natural areas, trees on public land and vacant land.

“Planning, management, and delivery of the identified focus areas is organised into three key initiatives – meeting the community’s needs, holistic network planning and preserving and restoring Livingstone’s natural systems.

“I can’t wait to see how the positive impacts and transformative outcomes that the Framework will create in the Livingstone Shire region.”