Help Council Protect Cocoanut Beach and Zilzie Beach


Council is deeply concerned about the increasing incidents of illegal four-wheel driving at Cocoanut Beach and Zilzie Beach, which threatens community safety, the natural beauty and peacefulness of these cherished coastal areas.

To raise awareness and deter unauthorized driving, the Council will soon be installing informative signage at strategic locations along Cocoanut Beach and Zilzie Beach. These signs will clearly outline the penalties for engaging in illegal four-wheel driving activities on these beaches. The primary objective behind the signage initiative is to educate the community and visitors to the area about their responsibilities and obligations under Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2011, S 1-6 (2) (a) Prescribed Activity.

According to Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2011, vehicles are restricted from driving on any portion of the Local Government-controlled areas that are not designated as access areas, unless prior approval has been obtained. This regulation aims to safeguard the integrity of the beaches and prevent any further damage caused by unauthorized vehicles.

To provide a reasonable adjustment period for drivers to adapt to the enforcement measures, a grace period of two weeks will be implemented for public knowledge. This grace period will be followed by an additional two-week period, during which repeated offenders will be issued official warnings as a last opportunity to rectify their behaviour.

During this time, individuals who engage in illegal four-wheel driving will receive warnings rather than fines.

After the time has lapsed for the two grace periods, fines of $774 will apply to all drivers on Cocoanut Beach and Zilzie Beach.

The Council's decision to act is in response to numerous complaints received from concerned members of the community regarding the detrimental effects of illegal four-wheel driving on a consistent basis. Council aims to protect individuals’ safety, the local environment, preserve the natural beauty of the beaches, and ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy these pristine coastal areas.

Livingstone Shire Council urges the community to actively support these measures by adhering to the laws, reporting any instances of illegal four-wheel driving, and spreading awareness among fellow residents and visitors.