Livingstone Shire Council Provides Support for Woppa (Great Keppel Island) Infrastructure Rejuvenation


Progress has been made in the rejuvenation of Woppa (Great Keppel Island) through a potential infrastructure investment in a new sewerage treatment plant (STP) and amenities block by the Queensland Government. 

As part of the GKI Master Planning process, the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) have approached Council with an offer to fund the construction of a new modular Sewerage Treatment Plant provided council accepted ownership of the asset.  

Following confirmation that $5 million is available for the capital works related to the construction of a sewerage treatment plant and associated infrastructure costs on Council land on Great Keppel Island, and the construction of an amenities block on Fisherman’s Beach through the Building Our Regions funding program administered by the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, Council agrees in principle to proceed to the preparation of a business case for these works including proposed scope of works, project timeframes, and costings.

The proposed STP on the island will be modular, allowing for seamless expansion to meet future demands. Add-on modules have been postulated as the solution for growth, with the initial construct being enough to cater for current demand.

Council's commitment to this project is conditional upon the costs of construction exceeding $5 million being covered by the GKI Rejuvenation Fund, making the project cost-neutral for the council. The council also commits to exploring an appropriate operating model that is either cost-effective or low-cost for the council.

To ensure a well-rounded and inclusive approach, the council will develop an engagement plan to seek input from private landowners on GKI regarding their willingness to connect to the proposed sewerage treatment network.

Mayor of Livingstone Shire Council, Andy Ireland said the outcome of today’s meeting was a key step in the rejuvenation of Great Keppel Island.

“Great Keppel Island is a key driver of domestic and international tourism on the Capricorn Coast and the current STP is finding it extremely difficult to cope with increased demands,” Mayor Ireland said.

“As the pressures associated with population increases continue, we believe this outcome will put the Shire in good stead to cater for existing residents on the island and the multitude of visitors who we expect to visit in the years to come.

“I would like to thank the Member for Keppel Brittany Lauga and the Queensland Government for following through on their commitment to rejuvenate Great Keppel Island.

“It's important to note that any final decision to accept ownership of and construct new sewerage treatment facilities on Great Keppel Island is contingent on the successful completion of the above-mentioned points.”

Member for Keppel, Brittany Lauga said: "I'm committed to delivering improved infrastructure on Great Keppel and I thank Livingstone Shire Council for working in partnership with the State Government."

"I look forward to work starting on improvements to the Island which will help grow tourism."