Residents encouraged to consider water usage during extreme weather conditions


Livingstone Shire Council is asking residents to be mindful of their water consumption as the region continues to experience high temperatures and a lack of rainfall.

Portfolio holder for Water, Waste Management, and the Environment Councillor Andrea Friend said every resident could help to reduce the amount of water used at this time, to help ease the strain on the Shire’s supply.

“There has been an increase in water consumption following the extreme heat conditions the region is currently experiencing, so Council is encouraging residents to reduce their usage wherever possible,” Cr Friend said.

“Water is a precious resource for us to use wisely, and with limited rainfall in the foreseeable future, the Shire’s water supply is under strain. Council’s aim is to ensure that its water production aligns with usage requirements.

“We strongly urge all residents to adopt water-wise practices, minimise non-essential water consumption, and reserve this valuable resource for essential needs. This is not a cause for alarm but a friendly reminder to be aware.

“We live in a climate of extremes and need to be ready to adjust our water use when conditions change. We are one region with one water supply. Everyone needs to be water efficient, even when parts of our region experience wetter conditions than other areas.

“By better managing our water supply we can help delay and even potentially avoid the need for mandatory water restrictions.

“Let's work together as a community and make a meaningful impact.”

Water Saving Tips:

  • Swiftly address any leaks.
  • Cut down on shower times.
  • Avoid wasting water while brushing teeth or washing your face and hands.
  • Operate your dishwasher and washing machine with full loads.
  • Use a broom instead of a hose for driveway cleaning.
  • Water plants during cooler parts of the day.