Canal Creek Memorial Service Commemorates 80th Anniversary of Tragic WWII Crash


Yesterday, the community solemnly gathered at the Canal Creek War Memorial to honour the memory of the 31 United States and Australian Armed Services and support personnel who tragically lost their lives on this day 80 years ago in the devastating crash of a Douglas C-47 Aircraft during World War II.

The memorial service, marking the 80th anniversary of this sombre event, brought together locals and visitors alike to pay homage to those lost on this fateful day in 1943.

The service commenced with the Raising of the Flags, followed by heartfelt tributes and poignant moments of reflection.

Mayor Andy Ireland, reflecting on the significance of this commemoration, said the service was an opportunity to stand united in honouring the bravery and sacrifice of those who perished in service to our nations.

“Their memory remains etched in our history and our hearts,” Mayor Ireland said.

Throughout the service, attendees participated in prayers, readings, and a touching rendition of the hymn "Abide with Me."

"Today, we not only mourn the lives lost but also express our gratitude to their unwavering dedication to duty,” Mayor Ireland said.

Following the service, attendees gathered for a moment of reflection and camaraderie over morning tea at The Caves Pub.

Mayor Ireland, while acknowledging the importance of community support, said "The camaraderie shared today underscores the strength of our community bonds. It's through events like these that we honour our past and fortify our unity for the future."

The Canal Creek War Memorial, established in 2012 through collaborative efforts, stands as a reminder of this historic event. The site, adorned with a sandstone plinth, bronze plaque, interpretive signage, an Honour Roll, remains a testament to the lives lost that day. The interior walls bear panels detailing the historical significance of the site, showcasing photographs and salvaged wreckage pieces from the aircraft.

The memorial serves as a lasting tribute to those who perished in the tragic crash.