Community Input Invited on Flying Fox Roost Management Plan


Livingstone Shire residents are encouraged to contribute their insights to Livingstone Shire Council’s development of a shire-wide Flying Fox Roost Management Plan.

Flying foxes reside in long-established colonies and consistently return to these locations referred to as roosts. Certain roosts find themselves surrounded by urban development, creating a scenario where people and flying foxes coexist in close proximity.

Protected under the Nature Conservation Act 1992, the Council is obliged to adhere to the Act’s guidelines in managing the activities of flying foxes.

The plan will specifically address flying-fox management at roosts located in Emu Park, Keppel Sands, Marlborough and Yeppoon.

Council received $45,500 in Queensland Government funding through the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation’s Flying Fox Roost Management - Local Government Grants Program to develop the plan.

Water, Waste Management and the Environment Councillor Andrea Friend, highlighted the vital role of flying foxes as pollinators for native flora, acknowledging the challenges faced by residents near roosts due to noise and odour.

"Establishing this management plan is aimed at safeguarding the health and amenity of local residents while protecting vital biodiversity," said Cr Friend.

“Furthermore, the plan facilitates Council in conducting on-ground works when required and seeking state and federal funding to support roost management activities.

The plan serves as a guide for addressing community concerns transparently and informing decision-making regarding flying-fox habitat and populations.

"The plan will support long-term community co-existence with flying-foxes, recognising their crucial role in regenerating native forests," added Cr Friend.

“Think of them as nocturnal bees, capable of pollinating tree species that primarily release nectar at night and are less likely to be pollinated by day-feeding birds and bees.”

Residents directly impacted by known flying fox roosts will have opportunities for input through pop-up engagement sessions scheduled throughout February. These sessions aim to inform residents and gather feedback on proposed management strategies.

For broader community involvement, residents can share their feedback through a survey on the council's community engagement website, Get Involved, between now and 22 February 2024.

Anticipated in mid-2024, the draft plan will undergo public consultation, inviting further feedback to ensure a comprehensive and community-supported Flying Fox Roost Management Plan.

Find the survey at