Council Provisions During Caretaker Period


In the lead-up to the 2024 local government elections, Livingstone Shire Council will go into a seven-week caretaker period.

Council CEO Cale Dendle explained, "All Queensland Councils will move into a seven-week caretaker phase following the publication of the Notice of Election on January 29.”

“Between then and the election on March 16, decisions about large contracts or purchases, changes to local laws or town planning rules cannot be made,” he said.

There are also rules about councillors and council staff not using public resources to promote any candidate or seek to influence the outcome of the election.

“We can expect there to be a good deal of public commentary about the election and candidates and matters of public interest, but everyone should take care to observe the election rules.

"Care should be exercised by all candidates when campaigning," Mr Dendle said.

Normal council meetings will be held on February 20 and March 12, but no major policy decisions will be made.  Dates of meetings for the balance of the year will be published once the new council has been sworn in following the election.
