Keep yourself and your pets cool during heatwave conditions

As the region continues to experience severe heatwave conditions, Council is encouraging residents to keep themselves and their beloved pets cool.
Heatwaves are identified as the third highest priority natural hazard and the deadliest, claiming more lives than any other natural hazard.
Severe heatwaves can be dangerous for many people, especially older people, babies, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with medical conditions and people who are unwell.
It’s important to recognise the symptoms of dehydration and heatstroke, which can include dizziness, headaches, nausea, rapid pulse, confusion, and even loss of consciousness.
If experiencing heat-related symptoms, it's vital to act immediately. Seek shade, hydrate, cool off, and avoid sugary or alcoholic beverages.
To stay healthy during a heatwave, hydrate, reduce outdoor activity, and keep indoors, ideally in air-conditioned spaces.
If you don’t have air-conditioning, consider visiting public spaces like libraries or shopping centres.
Check on vulnerable neighbours and family members regularly, have a plan in case of power outages, and store essential medicines out of the heat.
Chances are, if you feel hot, so does your pet! Here are some tips to help keep your pet happy and healthy in the warmer weather.
Shade and Fresh Water
• Ensuring that all of your pets have access to shade throughout the day and fresh water is vital and should be your first priority for their welfare.
• If there is a heatwave forecast, try to keep your pet indoors in a well-ventilated area. 
• A simple trick is to also wet towels and leave them around for your pet to sit on when they want to cool off.
• Frozen treats are easy to make and leave out for your pet on hot days. 
• During hot weather, it’s important to never exercise your pet during the heat of the day! If your dog is used to a daily walk or playtime, do this before the heat sets in (usually before 10 am and after 3 pm) but also take into account severe heat weather warnings!
Wildlife Tip: Let’s not forget that our native animals will be seeking shade and water too. Leaving fresh water containers out each day for birds, lizards, kangaroos, possums etc is easy to do! Just fill up, and place sources of water at varying heights in your backyard.