New temporary road closure to commence at the western end of Ocean Park Avenue in response to residents concerns


An eight-week temporary road closure trial along Ocean Park Avenue will take place following the road reopening to traffic in March.

A report was provided to Councillors at the most recent Infrastructure Standing Committee Meeting on 2 July, proposing the next steps in progressing a new temporary road closure trial at the western end of the road corridor.

Responding to concerns from residents about non-local traffic volume, speed and size, a trial closure commenced on January 22, intended to deter non-resident traffic from the area.

But the trial closure also restricted local traffic, and this was of concern to other residents.

Since February 2024, temporary one-lane slow points have been in place as an interim measure until further consultation and options could be considered. 

In May 2024, resident representatives from Ocean Park Avenue and Central Park Estate met with Council to discuss their lived experiences and advocate for a new temporary road closure trial. 

Since the initial temporary road closure in January, Council officers have received a number of residents’ feedback from Ocean Park Avenue Road users stating they were disappointed the temporary road closure was being removed and that permanent road closure was ‘off the table’, trucks and speeding vehicles have returned since the one-lane slow points were installed, and some noticing that the street seemed quieter with lower speeds and volumes.

Infrastructure Committee Co-chair Councillor Glenda Mather said the issues surrounding Ocean Park Avenue are complex.

“Ocean Park Avenue was never meant to be a through road where industry traffic would share this convenient shortcut, oblivious of the impact this non-local traffic was having on front-row residents. As the traffic increased, so did the problems, noise, speed, risks – and the complaints.

“Whichever strategy the Council trials, it will inconvenience a sector of the estate.We must remember there are two more developments in this area which will, in time, add to the impact of this road.

“We need to be prepared for this and trial several options, if necessary, to strike a balance between all parties and those into the future.

“To be able to exclude the industrial traffic from this road altogether would certainly be a game-changer. In the meantime, I’d ask residents to be patient while we work through our options.”

A report will be presented to Council following the conclusion of the road closure trial.

During the Standing Committee Meeting, officers recommend the Committee enact its delegated power to resolve this matter. 

THAT the committee exercises its delegation under s257c of Local Government Act 2009 and resolves to:

1. Rescind the Council Resolution from the Special Council Meeting held on 6 February 2024;

2. Remove the three temporary one-lane slow points currently installed in Ocean Park Avenue;

3. Implement a temporary road closure trial at the western end of Ocean Park Avenue for a period of 8 weeks;

4. Undertake traffic counts during the temporary road closure in order to quantify the outcomes of the trial;

5. Report back to Council at the conclusion of the trial road closure.