Expressions of Interests Open for Council’s Regional Arts Development Fund Assessment Panel


Livingstone Shire Council is inviting local artists, cultural workers, members of cultural groups, and those active within the arts community to submit expressions of interest for membership on the Council’s vibrant Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Assessment Panel.

Council offers the opportunity to apply for RADF grants twice a year, and the Assessment Panel plays a crucial role in guiding, reviewing, and approving project applications.

RADF grants have been instrumental in supporting a diverse range of projects, from art exhibitions and intensive workshops to digital projections and studio recordings. These grants have enabled many artists on the Capricorn Coast to bring their creative visions to fruition.

RADF Panel Member Leanne Smith said Livingstone Shire boasts a diverse community of highly talented and creative individuals.

"From musicians creating original music to visual artists, poets, playwrights, storytellers, and filmmakers—whether established or emerging—they all thrive here in Livingstone,” Leanne said.

“The projects submitted are always of a high standard and it is exciting to be part of the RADF Assessment Panel tasked with recommending projects for funding. I am always thrilled to see the creative concepts brought to life with the help of these grants. RADF projects help develop, enhance and expand the arts and cultural activities we all appreciate within our diverse community."

Co-Chair of Recreation and Culture Standing Committee, Councillor Andrea Friend said the programme is designed to support quality arts and cultural experiences across Queensland, including Livingstone Shire.

“RADF is a joint initiative between the Queensland Government and Livingstone Shire Council that encourages creators to use their imagination, ideas, or skills to produce visual, auditory, or performing pieces,” Councillor Friend said.

“Whatever the case, the arts play a vital role in building a strong community fabric by bringing people together in several ways.

“I encourage anybody who is interested in the arts to express an interest in becoming an active member of the RADF Assessment Panel, and I look forward to seeing the continuance of creative art projects taking place across our region.”

Co-Chair of the Recreation and Culture Standing Committee Councillor Lance Warcon emphasized the transformative impact of the RADF program on the local arts scene.

"The RADF program is not just about funding projects; it's about nurturing creativity and cultural expression within our community," Councillor Warcon said.

"By supporting artists and cultural workers, we are investing in the cultural fabric of Livingstone Shire.”

To submit an EOI, please visit

Applications close Monday, 5th of August 2024