Limestone Creek Development Appeal Reaches a Resolution


Following Livingstone Shire Council’s decision in November 2023 to refuse a development application for an over-55s village along Limestone Creek Road, the developer initiated an appeal to review the decision.

Through constructive engagement during the appeal process, Council and the developer have collaborated to address the issues raised by community submissions regarding the original application, leading to a mutually beneficial outcome.

Mayor Adam Belot highlighted the significance of the resolution in meeting the needs of the Shire’s aging population while addressing community concerns.

“These changes are a positive step forward in balancing the growing needs of our aging community and ensuring the development aligns with the feedback from the initial submissions,” Mayor Belot said.

“The fact that we have resolved some of those community concerns while ensuring safe and affordable housing options for our aging population is a terrific outcome.

“Currently, residents aged 65 years and over make up around 20% of our community, and this number is set to grow by about 5% year on year.

“It is crucial that we plan ahead to meet these needs, particularly in the face of increasing pressures within the housing sector.”

Mayor Belot noted that the decision to refuse the original application was not made lightly, acknowledging the challenges of navigating an appeal process.

“Refusing the original application at the Council table last year was not a decision that was made lightly, as entering an appeal can be an arduous process, but in this instance, it was the right decision,” he said.

“The appeal process has allowed us to work collaboratively with the developer to achieve a result that most reasonable people would support.

“I extend my sincere thanks to Council officers, community members, and the developer for their efforts in reaching this resolution.

“As developments of this nature become more common, we remain committed to working closely with all stakeholders to ensure the best outcomes for our region.”

Key Changes to the Original Application:

  • Creation of a larger nature buffer along the Rail Trail.
  • Existing remnant vegetation removed from development footprint.
  • Relocation of the access point westward along Limestone Creek Road.
  • Preliminary works to develop a Sewerage Strategy for the area.