Administrative Access Scheme
Council’s Administrative Access Scheme provides access to information without the requirement to lodge a formal application through the Right to Information Act 2009 or Information Privacy Act 2009.
This process is a cost-effective and efficient way to release information.
How do I make a request?
Requests can be made in writing, via email, in person or over the telephone.
Requests must include the applicant’s full name, contact details and provide details about the information that is being requested.
Applicant’s requesting copies of their own personal information will be required to verify their identification and in some cases may be requird to complete a Right to Information/Information Privacy Access Application.
What information types may be accessed?
The following information types may be released as long as the content is not exempt or contrary to the public interest:
• information provided by Council to you previously;
• information you have provided to Council previously;
• information publicly available;
• information routinely made available by Council; or
• your personal information.
In some cases, Council may redact information to protect people’s privacy or to restrict confidential information.
What information is not able to be accessed?
The following information types are not accessible under this scheme:
• information prohibited from release under law;
• information that is exempt under the Right to Information Act 2009 or Information Privacy Act 2009.t;
• information that contains another individual’s personal information;
• information relating to a matter that is currently under investigation; or
• information that is available through a fee for service.
Who can apply?
Anyone can apply for information; however, there is no guarantee that access will be given.
Are there fees and charges?
There is no application fee associated with making a request. Council may however impose fees to reproduce or provide physical access to the information as outlined in Council’s Fees and Charges schedule.
Can I get a review of what is provided?
There is no ability to seek a review under the Information Privacy Act 2009 of a decision made under this scheme.
Council reserves the right to refuse access under the Administrative Access Scheme and refer enquiries to the Right to Information/Information Privacy Access Application process.